Bertie Mk 2 7 pack
From threeA Wiki
Bertie Mk 2 7 pack was a Bambaland exclusive set released on October 23, 2009 for US$220 (shipping included) as part of Wave Two. The set contained 7 WWRp scale Bertie Mk 2 each packaged with matching colorway Square² figures, with the exception of:
- the Deep Powder Bertie Mk 2 had a Winter Defense Square², and
- the Desert Combat Bertie Mk 2 had a Euro Square².
- Deep Powder Bertie Mk 2 and Winter Defense Square²
- Desert Combat Bertie Mk 2 and Euro Defense Square²
- Dirty Deeds Bertie Mk 2 and Dirty Deeds Square²
- Dutch Merc Swarte Torens Bertie Mk 2 and Dutch Merc Square²
- Marine JEA Bertie Mk 2 and Marine JEA Square²
- Medic Field Support Bertie Mk 2 and Medic Square²
- Warbot Bertie Mk 2 and Warbot Square²
- Packaging (from ThreeAonline blog)